1. Affordable housing: the pros and cons to staying in hostels and apartments off campus. While going in depth, you choose the one more suitable to your needs.
2. Study strategies: detailed studying calendars including breaks for however many hours long you’ll need, studying tips and ideas to improve memories, free or open classes schedule to help including one on one tutors.
3. Meal planning: cooking on a budget is something most if not all students can relate to, so I’ll be dropping some easy and budget friendly recipes.
4. Support network: Our social life is a very important aspect in our lives. Hopefully before I’m done talking about this, some volunteers would’ve created groups to help like a study buddy matching programs, career exploration panels, peer counseling programs that would benefit and most definitely bring upon improvement. Remember, your mental health matters to all.
5. Financial management: we are all guilty of splurging but what if I told you there is something called over-indulgence which is NOT a good thing. Money saving tips, side jobs or ideas, renting or textbook exchange programs will be talked about.
6. Emergency preparedness: these are all things we hope shall never come to pass but on the account they do happen, we wouldn’t be caught unaware. As a wise man once said “Knowing is half the battle”. What to do during an illness, an accident or an incident harmful to you and people close to you will be discussed in this headline.
If there is a topic you’d like me to include in any of these or a suggestion, feel free to message me or comment directly under the posts and I’ll try my best or take advices from other known professionals in the field.